In Flux: New Temporalities for Sustainable Lives
The increasing awareness of escalating ecological breakdown paves the way for new temporalities and multidisciplinary collaborations in artistic and organisational practices.
To chart the course towards more livable futures we need to acknowledge the interdependence of our existence and rethink the way we relate to the environment we are part of. Attuning to the complexity of the world which no longer be perceived through clear-cut divisions and simple categorisations motivates multidisciplinary approaches and new forms of co-creation where artistic and experimental processes meet scientific methods and localized ways of knowing.
The benefits of loss of control
In the future, increasing sensitivity to the interconnected and ecological dimensions of artistic processes will entail changes in how art is made, analysed and experienced. When material aspects are welcomed as active agents in the artistic process, our idea of the artist as an autonomous creator changes to that of a temporary influencer who no longer controls the end result of the creative process.
When we slow down and open up to perspectives other than human ones, the temporality of exhibition and artistic practices will fundamentally change, and the internalised logics of art institutions based on short-term planning, cost-effectiveness and high-tempo production requirements will be reconsidered.