Velkommen til det levende katalog

The Living Catalogue is an ever-growing collection of the signals we see taking shape in the arts, culture and the creative fields. 

The catalogue is both an engine of ongoing knowledge production at a/nordi/c and an open invitation to practitioners, institutions and everyone in between to become part of our exploratory dialogue about the future we wish to see for arts and culture in our society.

The signals are collected by a group of hand-picked signal scouts: a group of artists, researchers and cultural practitioners who capture and document the signs of change as they arise around them. Signals can be anything from new projects, events, behaviours and trends to articles – anything that points to new ways of thinking and acting in their field.

New landscapes of censorship force a higher level of self-awareness
Growing market logics in cultural policy limits artistic freedoms for the many

Udforsk de seneste indsigter

Indsigt er resultaterne af vores researchproces. De er opstået gennem kreativ dialog, undersøgelse og analytisk granskning i en kollaborativ proces med researchere, eksperter og udøvende kunstnere. Alle indsigter er skabt på baggrund af signaler, som er indsamlet i researchprocessen.

Udforsk de seneste signaler

Signaler er konkrete eksempler på hvad der rører sig indenfor det undersøgne felt. Et signal kan være en observation, en oplevelse, en reflektion, et projekt eller et event.